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Passeig Isabell II, 4
08003 Barcelona
Metro Línea 4 - Parada Barceloneta

+ conciertos en Sala Monasterio 1

+ conciertos en Barcelona


21:00h. ENTRADA: 5 euros.

Critically acclaimed bassist, singer,songwriter Paula O'Rourke is currently splitting time living and performing in Barcelona Spain and San Francisco, CA. She is the former bassist/vocalist for the legendary Eric Burdon and the Animals; having done extensive global touring with them from 2005-2009.Before that project she recorded and co-wrote song's with such luminaries as George Clinton(P-Funk),Pat McDonald(Timbuk 3,Steel Bridge Songfest Founder),and as co-founder and principle songwriter for Liar and Eric Mcfadden Experience with her her longtime partner and collabarator Eric McFadden.She has studied electric and stand up bass extensively as well as perfecting her songwriting techniques with over 8 full length studio albums to her credit.Some other songwriting co-writers of note are:Holy Smokes (gypsy jazz on upright bass),Sly Stone,Syd Straw as well as Martirio one of Spain's most famous and enduring flamenco artists.Always ready for new musical challenges and ideas Paula O'Rourke is a fountain of songcraft and inspiration.A true musical treasure. "Liar is a force to be reckoned with;Paula O'Rourke is on top of her game with this one!" Brian Cook-Rock n Roll Quarterly
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