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Carrer Arc del Teatre, 3
08001 Barcelona
Metro Línea 3 - Parada Drassanes

+ conciertos en Moog Rock & Roll Club

+ conciertos en Barcelona

NARROWS (United States) (Post punk)

21:00h. ENTRADA: 12 euros. Anticipadas: 10 euros.


Jodie Cox: Guitars (ex-BULLET UNION / TROPICS)
Ryan Frederiksen: Guitars (ex-THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES)
Sam Stothers: Drums (ex-MAKEOUT BOYS)
Dave Verellen: Voice (ex-BOTCH / ROY)
Rob Moran: Bass (UNBROKEN / ex-SOME GIRLS)


Llorenç Puig: Bateria
David Martin: Vocals
Pere Sànchez: Guitars
Alex Fernàndez: Bass
Aleix Archs: Sound Engineer

Narrows now offer up their first proper full length album titled "New Distances". Anchored by a minimalist punk framework and elaborated by squalls of angular guitar noise, the music is simultaneously beguiling and dissonant. Helmed by Verellen's signature roar, the resulting compositions owe as much to the early hardcore pioneers as to New York and London's post-punk founders.

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