Carrer Pere IV, 62
08005 Barcelona
Metro Línea 1 - Parada MarinaMetro Línea 4 - Parada Bogatell

+ conciertos en Q-tres

+ conciertos en Barcelona


21:00h. ENTRADA: 3 euros.

Who said Spain was too nice for agressive rock? The Pink Elephants are the living proof that sun and popular ignorance aren't enough to stop four angry kids from rockin' out with their cocks out.

These boys have been dragging their guitar-heavy brand of punk rock across the Barcelona clubs for a year and a half. Now, they make their first stomp into the dying music industry with a self titled EP guaranteed to rock your socks off from the very first note.

They're fond of their particular kind of noise; an X-rated cocktail of distortion, melody and psychedelics that they serve with a refreshing fuck-the-world attitude.

Make sure to check out the Elephants in their natural habitat, the stage, where music and sweat shake hands in a high voltage rock and roll show. Nice kids not allowed!
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