Passeig Isabell II, 4
08003 Barcelona
Metro Línea 4 - Parada Barceloneta

+ conciertos en Sala Monasterio 1

+ conciertos en Barcelona

+ MR. DANGER (Rock)

20:00h. ENTRADA: 5 euros. + CD de regalo

I'm a bassist, singer / songwriter currently living in Barcelona Spain and San Francisco, CA. I currently play with Eric Burdon, Eric McFadden and Wally Ingram in the Animals. Some of my past projects have where I am the songwriter as well as the lead vocalist/bassist are Tiny and Captain Bringdown, you can check out a sample of the music on this site. In Spain I worked with Martirio a well-known Spanish Flamenco artist singing traditional coplas in English. I also have a project of my own with Aleph Alquiar and Mato Vilar both amazng musicians from Venezuala. IPreviously I was the bassist for Liar, Eric McFadden Experience (upright bass), Holey Smokes (gypsy jazz on upright bass),Blck Label Orchestra, the Ant Farmers,Syd Straw as well as recording with George Clinton, Pat MacDonald and Martirio.
Acerca de Mr Danger the Band
"Mr Danger have an inverted and disjointed funk that is often reminiscent of Queens of the Stone Age or the Foo Fighters...Mr Danger deliver wry lyrics above elastic layers of perverted rock, which sound a little like Electric Six but with a slightly harder edge"...(Rob Spencer -

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