Passeig Marimon Asprer, 11
17100 Bisbal d'Empordà (La)

+ conciertos en L'Alternativa. Bar musical

+ conciertos en Girona

+ DRINKIN BROTHERS (Folk / Punk / Rock / Músiques del Món)


fREEBORN BROTHERS (POLAND)(Folk,Punk,Gypsy,Rock&Roll,Polka,Bluegrass)

+ CORCS (Bcn, Drum&Organ, r&b soul funk instrumental)

+ Drinkin Brothers dj's

'We wanna bring you chaos! We wanna give you fun! We wanna take you for a trip to our world where gypsy heart meets american folk, where melodies and energy means more then anything else before! the FREEBORN BROTHERS are here to give you relief in hard times, to put smile on your face and sweat a lot! YO!’
- Niko & Matt

Live music performance connected with crazy theatre and weird circus, those things are dragging everybody into it, if you think thats it... NO! add insane gypsy dancing, endless energy and fun than you will get just a draft of FBB live show. Every show is different from the other, never doing the same routine, you can see them houndreds of times and you not gonna be bored.
Freeborn Brothers are Niko, Matt, Pawel, Arek and Kris. Love to music and need to be on stage and entertain people put them together to hit the road and create this amazing orchestra! Everytime when you wonder how to describe the band or what label put on it and you don’t know how to do it cause variety of music is so wide and different that means you’ve got something unique and special. This is what we got when we’re listening to FBB. This dangerous mixture is stealing people souls every place they visit.
They are constantly touring Europe, they played around 200 shows in 2014. Muddy Roots Europe Festival, Country Charro Festival or Van Thom Weekender and Tattoo Konwent Katowice are few of all shows they played in more then 14 countries.


2013 Two Men Orchestra
2014 Gypsy Hobo Trash Grass
2016 Theatro Ridiculous

People about Freeborn Brothers:-

- ‚The Freeborn Brothers one of the liveliest bands on the scene at the moment’
– ‚Musical Mayhem, A crazy rollercoaster of Music and Theatre that will leave you in a state of euphoria and exhaustion’
– ‚The Freeborn Brothers gonna make you sweat’
– ‚It’s like watching a silent black&white movie in technicolor and way to loud...’
– ‚Best legal anti-depression medicine on the market today!’
... and many many more!

+ CORCS (Bcn, Drum&Organ, r&b soul funk instrumental)

Inspirats en la música dels 60 i 70, Corcs és molt més que un duet. Carreguen amb la responsabilitat de sonar amb la potència i l'energia d'una banda sencera i fan servir tot el cos per aconseguir-ho. 2 músics, 2 instruments, 4 mans i 4 peus és l'únic que fa falta. La resta la posa l'espectador deixan-se portar per les afilades melodies i els baixos pesants sobre unes càlides harmonies i una trencadissa de ritmes que va de l'afrobeat al soul, passant pel surf, reggae, rhythm & blues... So fresc, energètic i molt ballable, en un espectacle que no deixa indiferent a ningú.
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