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Carrer Martínez de la Rosa, 14
08012 Barcelona
Metro Línea 3 - Parada DiagonalMetro Línea 5 - Parada Diagonal

+ conciertos en L'Astrolabi

+ conciertos en Barcelona

THE G NOTES (world music)

21:30h. Taquilla inversa (íntegre pels músics)

The G Notes is a band from Gevgelija, Macedonia. Leaders of the band are Gligor Goshev and his sister Teodora Gosheva. Gligor is 25 and Teodora 20 years old. The band is formed in 2014 and they are performing in almost every city in their country and in some cities in Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia And Herzegovina. They played at the New Year party at the five star hotel "Ramada Plaza, Princes Casino" in Gevgelija, Macedonia. Teodora has gained three first awards in singing competition (Chanson française - Skopje, „МАССУМ“ Educational Rendezvouz - Strumica ,Macedonia and „Дъга над Клептуза“ - Velingrad, Bulgaria) and together with Gligor have made many guest appearances on TV shows in Macedonia. Also, they perform as an acoustic duo and sometimes perform solo. They want to play the best evergreens and nowadays hits of rock, pop, soul, jazz, blues, reggae and let's say pretty much of everything because they are not limited in music. They can promise that you will enjoy in listening to their music performance. Emoticono smile
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