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Autovia de Castelldefels C31 :: Km. 186,1

+ conciertos en Row14

+ conciertos en Barcelona

Elrow Sunday Morning:
SINGER MORNING (Electrònica)

6:30h. ENTRADA: 20 euros. con consumición.

The funniest and most amusing party in Barcelona is back! Singer morning is a synonym for hedonistic fun without any borders or limits. Everything is possible: clowns, amazing costumes, divers on stilts, endless attacks of confetti and inflatable ducks. What more, great music and permanent smiles on everybody`s face. The production will be in the hands of Ibiza´s favourite and one of the funniest DJs in the circus – Matthew Hoag. Forget about the grey around you and jump with us into the kingdom of joy and smile. Singer Morning!
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