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Plaça Reial, 17
08002 Barcelona
TEL. 93 319 17 89
Metro Línea 3 - Parada Liceu

+ conciertos en Jamboree

+ conciertos en Barcelona


21:00h. i 23:00h. ENTRADA: 12 euros. Anticipadas: 10 euros.

Txell veu contralt
Anne veu soprano
Aude veu soprano
Henry contrabaix
Carles bateria

During the 1930s and 1940s there were many trios of female singers who dressed in bright or showy colours – in uniform if appropriate – performing a cheerful, light and even saucy repertoire. The three girls making up the Trio Chikiboom revive the feel of the golden age of swing, the American style which attracted the attention at that time. They perform a repertoire of pieces from the time, some of them taken from well-known film soundtracks or the real-life soundtrack to the Second World War, singing a cappella and not forgetting to include some arrangements of rather more modern numbers. A show somewhere way between concert, theatre and cabaret, faithfully reproducing the spirit of one of the most entertaining periods in the history of jazz.
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