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Plaça Reial, 17
08002 Barcelona
TEL. 93 319 17 89
Metro Línea 3 - Parada Liceu

+ conciertos en Jamboree

+ conciertos en Barcelona


21:00h. i 23:00h. ENTRADA: 12 euros. Anticipadas: 10 euros.

Ana Rossi vocals
Paulinho Lêmos guitar

Brazilian music could not be kept out of the San Miguel Mas i Mas Festival. And still less if it is played by this duet consisting of a young voice, that of Ana Rossi, forming part of the squad of South American musicians who have shaken up the Barcelona scene over the last few years, and a veteran guitarist and singer, Paulinho Lêmos, who arrived in Europe during the '80s and today is one of the best musicians from that tropical country to be found in our city. A brand new group, formed by Rossi and Lêmos, drawing on the glorious heritage of composers like Tom Jobim, Chico Buarque and Edu Lobo. Lêmos considers himself a citizen of the world, as universal as the rhythms of the carioca world that has conquered the most unlikely corners of planet Earth, including, of course, the underground Jamboree.
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