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Plaça Reial, 17
08002 Barcelona
TEL. 93 319 17 89
Metro Línea 3 - Parada Liceu

+ conciertos en Jamboree

+ conciertos en Barcelona

+ Jam Sessions

Jamboree Jam amb:
MUSGÖ (Jam Sessions) (jazz)

20:00h. ENTRADA: 5 euros.
Puntos de venta:

Mar Gabarre vocals and harp, Gilles Estoppey keyboards, Juan Salvador Tello bass, Jonas Vollmer drums

Musgö is the multidisciplinary project of the artist Mar Gabarre. It is a bold, unusual proposal mixing original tunes with unusual staging. At the Jamboree, they will present their new album, Open the Gate, a CD that includes their own tunes, in which they speak of the magic of nature of all kinds, intuition and the beauty of human beings themselves.

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