UN OLÉ A TIEMPO (flamenco)

19:30h. 20:30h. 21:30h. i 22:30h. ENTRADA: 15 euros.
Puntos de venta: https://www.proticketing.com/tarantos/en_US/entradas/evento/10941

Lourdes Alcántara bailaora, Cristina Blanco bailaora, Marina González bailaora, David Pérez cante, Míriam Vallejo cante, José Saucedo guitar.

José Saucedo, from Cadiz, began playing the guitar at the age of ten and trained with top-class artists like Manolo Sanlúcar and Gerardo Núñez, performing as a youngster at different flamenco festivals in Spain. The musicians who have accompanied his fast and furious phrasing include Andrés Peña, Mercedes Ruiz, Juan Ogalla, Ana Salazar, Belén Maya, Olga Pericet, Manuel Liñán, Mayte Martín and a long list of others. He has been heard not only in Spain, but also on tour in Italy, France, Germany, Portugal and Japan. Today he leads a group consisting of great flamenco artists from this country who will take us through the different flamenco palos, from the fandango to the seguidilla or the bulería, to show us the force of this gipsy art that has made such a mark on our culture.
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