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Plaça Reial, 7
08002 Barcelona
TEL. 93 302 15 86
Metro Línea 3 - Parada Liceu

+ conciertos en Sidecar

+ conciertos en Barcelona

Bar del Sidecar:

23:30h. Entrada libre hasta completar aforo

They call her Zombirella and she's the bass player and singer with surf legends Messer Chups from St. Petersburg, Russia. And the front woman of the horrorbilly band The Bonecollectors.
So, a few months ago she fancied some hot rocknroll DJ-ing and then got herself a licence to spin. R&B, instrumental, rockabilly all back in the 50-60s and with a love 7” records. A strong seven inch is better than a weak 12” - don’t ya think? See you cool cats on the dance floor

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