Avinguda del Doctor Marañón, 17
08028 Barcelona
Metro Línea 3 - Parada Zona Universitària

+ conciertos en Up&Down Barcelona

+ conciertos en Barcelona


23:59h. ENTRADA: 25 euros. Anticipadas: 10 euros.



Conseguir destacar en el movimiento holandés EDM (Electronic Dance Music) no es fácil pero para Shermanology ha sido prácticamente pan comido. Su estilo electrónico, con tintes a caballo entre funk-jazz y el soul, convierte a su sello musical en único en la escena musical actual. Sólo hemos visto el prinicpio de Shermanology y el futuro se vislumbra estratosférico.

La formación fue coronada como unos artistas electrónicos más singulares del momento en el Blessed 2011. En su primera colaboración con el popular DJ Avicii, consiguieron el favor de la crítica y se colocaron finalmente en el mapa musical.

Fue entonces, en marzo de 2012, cuando los fiesteros EDM se quedaron pasmados con el tema Can’t stop me, avalado por un lado, la colaboración Afrojack, una eminencia del trance y por la otro con genialidad lírica de Shermanology. 

Entradas agotadas de sus conciertos en los clubs más cool y una creciente reputación de sus shows en directo les lleva a la segunda alianza con Afrojack, Jacked. El trío triunfó en cada país donde actuó, y revolucionó los escenarios con el nuevo tema Living 4 the city.

Female DJ Revolution

El colectivo de DJ Escandinavas formado por Anna Cruz, Natalia Barbin, Sibel, Gern Kristina, Opeia Cazzi y Ross Malin, que en el año 2012 hicieron una gira de verano que sorprendió a crítica y a público por igual. Y 2013 promete aún más. No las pierdas de vista.


Nouveaubeats & Vince le Fin empezaron a tocar juntos en 2010. Se vieron y se escucharon por primera vez en un evento privado, justo cuando ambos estaban buscando un socio. Sus estilos iban bien juntos, y empezaron a pinchar y producir juntos, así nació NVBVLF, una auténtica maravilla electrónica.


Miki Monrás y Fernando Monje son dos pilotos de automóviles que comparten su pasión por la música.El dúo nació en Barcelona, pinchando en las pistas de baile más cool de la ciudad condal.



Setting yourself apart amongst the vast Dutch EDM movement is an accomplishment achieved by few artists. Shermanology, however, are one of them. Instilled with funk affecting jazz-stylings and a seductive soulful edge, their unique brand of electronic music is like nothing heard on the clubland circuit now, and not ever. Having set the world alight in all 4 corners, 2013 is set to send the globe into inferno - we have only seen the start from the Shermanology 3-piece and the future is set to send them stratospheric.

Now, their rapid passage to greatness has been cemented on the global stage. The lyrical genius in Blessed of 2011 was one of the ultimate endorsements of this accolade, decorating them as truly distinctive electronic artists; the track that took Avicii’s much-loved hooks and catchy melodies to another dimension and critical acclaim put them firmly on the map.

It was then in March of 2012 that EDM party-lovers were stopped in their tracks as Can’t Stop Me was unleashed on the masses. Highlighting their multiplicity and aptitude for production Afrojack’s collaborative smash is one part trance mastery, the other incredible Shermanology lyricism, which rides the wave of bass like a perfectly matched melody to a classic soul record.

Sold out venues in the hottest clubbing destinations and a growing reputation for anthemic live shows led to the next perfect and logical second alliance with Afrojack. Jacked ( tipped as the paramount dance experience of the year) was made that much more special with the support of Shermanology.

The trio tore the roof down from country to country with new track, Living 4 The City, proving a Jacked favorite in every location. With more awesome collabs and original material to come, the sky is the limit. Shermanology, you can’t stop them.

Female DJ Revolution

It's a DJ collective from Scandinavia formed by Anna Cross, Natalia Barbin, Sibel, Kristina Gern, Cazzi Opeia and Malin Ross. The girls were in 2012 out on an amazing summer tour and after having starred in numerous television interviews and radio, as well as major newspapers will see 2013 out to be better than ever.


Nouveaubeats & Vince le Fin started playing together in 2010. They saw and heared each other play on a private event and they we’re both looking for a partner to dj with. Their style was matching very good so they started dj’ing and producing together and then Nouveaubeats & Vince le Fin’ was born!


Miki Monrás and Fernando Monje are two car pilots that share their passion for music. The were born in Barcelona, and started playing in the most rated dancefloors of Barcelona.

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